What an amazing day we had at the Sports Bar in Player Flamenca Commercial Centre where Maria and the Pink Ladies and Panthers held there Annual Breast Cancer Awareness event We raised an incredible 1500 Euros and made 9 appointments Wow well done everyone, A huge thank you to owners of the Bar Alli and Brian and there amazing staff Jacky Cath Jay and Brian who worked so hard throughout the day and Alli also donated 100 Euros to the charity,, also thank you Simon Morton from Sunshine Radio and all the entertainers who always give there time free to support the charity,, they were Diane Diaz, Margaret McDonald,, The Blues Brothers ,Chloe Leigh ,,Rebecca Holt and Valentino what a fabulous afternoon of entertainment, Thank you Aimee Milner who made a beautiful cake for people to guess the weight and Mary Bailey who was the lucky winner,, And thank you to Chanel 5 TV who were there all day filming the event to be shown on ((Bargain Brits in the Sun ))next year, And thank you to the pink ladies and panthers who always work hard to put these events together, Thank you all for your support